Pearl Academy Search

Raj Salagre is a Senior Faculty at Pearl Academy, bringing years of game design and development expertise to his role. After graduating in Management Studies, he pursued his passion by finishing a Game Design and Development Diploma to become a Unity Certified Developer.

Raj went on to teach Game Design and Development at FX School for three years. He then qualified as an Unreal Engine Authorized Instructor partner for Epic Games. Specialising in areas like Game Design, Level Design, Augmented Reality and Architectural Visualization using Unity and Unreal Engine, Raj helped many students enhance their skills as developers.

Raj's mission is to support bright newcomers looking to strengthen their talents in game development. At Pearl Academy, he aims to share the knowledge and skills that will help students thrive in the evolving gaming industry.

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Pearl Academy awards UGC recognised degrees by RGNIYD, an Institute of National Importance (like the IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NID)