Pearl Academy Search

What's Next (Registrations are now closed for this event)

What's Next

What's Next stands as Pearl Academy's flagship event; a quest to demystify the future trajectory of creativity-technology convergence. Our chosen theme for this year seeks to explore the dynamic landscape where creativity and technology collide and ways in which we can prepare creative aspirants for the ever-evolving world. 

This event is not just a mere gathering; it's celebration of human ingenuity. It invites industry stalwarts, thought leaders, design academicians and practitioners to reflect on the boundless potential of artificial intelligence (AI), to deliberate and share insights into the future of creative expression, the evolution of design processes, and the way technology is revolutionising every facet of human creation.

The Format

With  an objective to have a collaborative dialogue, share knowledge and create possibilities for action, World Cafe format has been a success at our What's Next events.

The technique builds on the notion of group intelligence. By organizing several discussion rounds where people are invited to discuss a topic of mutual interest in small groups, the technique enables bringing together individual ideas into one comprehensive message. By creating an environment conducive to open and honest discussions, we can explore diverse viewpoints, challenge assumptions, and collectively generate new ideas.

What's Next Theme

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Call for Papers

Over the past 6 years, What’s Next has become a conference which focuses on the critical concerns of the contemporary times. It is a platform where academicians, policymakers, students, industry representatives and other leaders converge for insightful conversations and discussions and make actionable plans for the future of our world. 
This is a single Call for Papers covering submissions to the conference. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. We are welcoming submissions in the categories like Text Based Papers, Developmental Papers, Creative Practice or Non-paper Submissions.


Satish Gokhale

Satish Gokhale

Founder - Design Directions Pvt. Ltd,
Founding Member of ADI

Shailesh Chaturvedi

Shailesh Chaturvedi

Managing Director & CEO - Tommy Hilfiger Apparels India

Ganesh Subramanian

Ganesh Subramanian

Founder & CEO - Stylumnia
Former CMO and CEO - Myntra

Nikhil Malhotra

Nikhil Malhotra

Chief Innovation Officer & Head of Emerging Tech - Tech Mahindra

Hemant Suthar

Hemant Suthar

Director - DesignUp,
Founding Member of ADI,
Founder - Fractal Ink

Arun Sirdeshmukh

Arun Sirdeshmukh

Former Head - Amazon Fashion
Independent Consultant - Ola

Prasad Bidapa

Prasad Bidapa

Fashion Consultant, Choreographer, Image Consultant and Stylist
Founder - Prasad Bidapa Associates


DAY 1 - FRIDAY, 16th FEBRUARY 2024
Event Registration3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Welcome Address 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM
Keynote Address - Emerging Realities4:20 PM - 5:00 PM
Session 1 - Pixels and Passion: Crafting Aesthetics in Digital Realms
Keynote Address 5:00 PM - 5:40 PM
Break Out - World Cafe Format5:40 PM - 6:40 PM
Panel Discussion6:40 PM - 7:40 PM
Recap and Introduction to Day 27:40 PM - 8:00 PM
Dinner & Cocktails8:00 PM Onwards


Event Registration9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Recap of Day 19:30 AM - 9:40 AM
Session 2 - Boundless Expressions: The Techno-Creative Intersections
Keynote Address9:40 AM - 10:20 AM
Break Out - World Cafe Format                      10:20 AM - 11:20 AM
Panel Discussion11:20 AM - 12:20 PM
Lunch12:20 PM - 1:20 PM
Session 3 - Reimagining Education: Designing the Future of Creative Learning
Keynote Address1:30 PM - 2:10 PM
Break Out - World Cafe Format2:10 PM - 3:10 PM
Panel Discussion3:10 PM - 4:10 PM
Closing Remarks 4:10 PM - 4:30 PM
Vote of Thanks4:30 PM


What's Next 2024

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What's Next Images

Past Events

What’s Next 2019

The event is known to bring together diverse and influential speakers/participants adept at embracing change and setting the trends to lead the change as innovators, designers and leaders of the future, also known as 'Change Makers'

What’s Next 2019

What’s Next 2018

Education for tomorrow. In today’s day & age, technology has changed the way we live, the way young people learn and also the job opportunities available today and in the future. Our leaders of tomorrow are learners of today.

What’s Next 2018

What’s Next 2017

The event is known to bring together diverse and influential speakers/participants adept at embracing change and setting the trends to lead the change as innovators, designers and leaders of the future, also known as 'Change Makers'

What’s Next 2017

Pearl Academy awards UGC recognised degrees by RGNIYD, an Institute of National Importance (like the IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NID)