Pearl Academy Search

APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning) is a process for assessing and recognizing one's prior experiential learning or certificated learning for academic purposes in the creative domain. Pearl Academy offers admissions under the APL entry scheme for students with advanced standing in the creative field.

General Information

General Information

Students studying in other creative colleges or universities may apply for lateral admission to Pearl Academy via the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) or the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) entry. Pearl’s APL Admission Panel will assess candidates under this criteria and – if selected – will call them directly for a personal interview and will offer them a seat in respective levels post assessing their learning outcome.

Documents To Be Submitted

Documents To Be Submitted
  • Duly filled and signed APEL application form along with a duly filled SOP (enclosed)
  • Official Transcripts of your qualifications (attested photocopies)
  • Copies of 10th & 12th Class mark sheets
  • Portfolio link or file

Apply for Lateral Entry

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Bachelor's and Master's degrees awarded by CAES-RGNIYD (An institute of National Importance like IIT) at Pearl Academy campuses