Pearl Academy provides a comfortable accommodation for its students through a partnership with Your Space. A second home that ensures students live their college lives in a healthy, safe, and conducive environment.
Address: Ashok Deluxe Apartments. Ashok Nagar, Building No. 3, B wing, Off Military Road, Near Mithi River, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 072
To know more about our hostel or to schedule a hostel visit, please contact:
Nandan Ghodgekar- 9820165685,
Arishka Sharma- 7710000138,
Central booking line- 9653689082,
24/7 Security
Well Groomed Staff
Full Electricity Backup
Laundry room
Attached Bathrooms
Fresh Food
Clean RO Water
Vending Machine
Collaboration Spaces
Community Engagement
Repair & Maintenance
Cleaning Services
Garbage Collection
Fire Safety
Hostel Accommodation Process
All interested students desirous of availing Hostel Accommodation for Mumbai Campus are required to submit the duly filled Hostel Application Form (Annexure-I) available at the reception / downloadable from HERE. Please do carry the same during the admission process.
Equal vacancies have been created for each Admission Cycle – the accommodation in the hostel shall be granted on the first come – first served basis as per each Admission Cycle based on Hostel fee deposited with Accounts Department.
Once all available Hostel Rooms have been allotted, all other applications received will be Wait Listed.
Hostel accommodation is allotted on Academic Year basis (ie., August to May).
Preference will be given to the outstation students.
Hostel accommodation will be offered to other / Waiting List applicants only in case of available vacancies.
Refund or Cancellation
In-case of change in plan of availing hostel, the fee can be refunded through a proper procedure.