Pearl Academy Search


2 years


Graduation From A Recognised University In Any Stream

Location & Seats

Bengaluru (30), Delhi-South (30), Mumbai (30)


The MBA in Fashion & Lifestyle Business Management program is a carefully crafted academic journey designed to develop visionary leaders in the fast-paced fashion and lifestyle industry. Built on a foundation of academic excellence, the curriculum explores the core aspects of fashion, lifestyle, and brand management, focusing on innovation, consumer trends, and market dynamics across various fashion and lifestyle sectors. This program prepares insightful leaders who are poised to make a significant impact in the fashion and lifestyle industry, driving innovation and advancement in this dynamic field.

The MBA program in Fashion and Lifestyle Business Management offers a mix of learning methods in class and interactive industry sessions. The curriculum covers business, fashion, and lifestyle topics, including management principles, fashion understanding, effective merchandising and digital adaptations.


Bachelor's and Master's degrees awarded by CAES-RGNIYD (An institute of National Importance like IIT) at Pearl Academy campuses